Occupational Health and Safety Work is All about Cooperation
Occupational health and safety cooperation is cooperation between the employer and the employees, which promotes safe and healthy working conditions. The starting point is the self-initiated activities of the workplaces.
The employer and the supervisors acting as the employer’s representatives are legally responsible for the safety of the workplace. Occupational health and safety cooperation personnel – occupational safety managers, occupational safety representatives, their deputies, ombudsmen and members of occupational safety committees – are experts who take part in handling occupational safety issues in their workplace. Each and every one of us, regardless of our position or job description, is responsible for taking care of our own safety and the safety of our colleagues.
Work-related matters affecting the safety and health of an individual employee are handled in direct cooperation between the supervisor and the employee concerned (direct cooperation). Cooperation issues that concern the workplace broadly and universally are dealt with by the occupational safety and health committee (indirect cooperation). If there is no occupational safety and health committee, cooperation issues are primarily handled with the occupational safety and health representative.
The occupational safety authorities in the Regional State Administrative Agencies are responsible for occupational safety and health, and it is their duty to monitor regional compliance with occupational safety and health rules and regulations.

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Development of Occupational Health and Safety
The operating environment of workplaces and customer requirements change and cause a constant need for change. Workplace discussions between the management and the employees are a key issue in shared awareness of change. When developing things, people should not focus only on problems, but also on how to make use of work resources. Resources can be used to reinforce positive experiences about the development of the workplace.
Development of occupational safety and health cooperation
The employer and employees must work in cooperation to maintain and continuously improve occupational safety at the workplace. Continuous improvement of occupational safety means addressing issues proactively, not only after an incident has already occurred. This requires competent and responsible occupational safety management and cooperation on occupational safety and health matters.
Occupational health and safety cooperation is based on legislation
- The Occupational Safety and Health Act (738/2002) requires employers and employees to work together to maintain and improve safety and health in the workplace.
- The Act on Occupational Safety and Health Enforcement and Cooperation on Occupational Safety and Health at Workplaces (44/2006), or the so-called Work Safety Supervision Act, lays down more detailed rules on the organization of occupational health and safety cooperation in the workplace, the tasks of the occupational safety representatives and occupational safety managers, and the matters to be addressed in occupational safety cooperation.